Navigating Life's Challenges

Insurance Options

Maps Counseling Services accepts most New Hampshire insurance plans.

Plans that our licensed clinicians accept are:

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Optum -Harvard Pilgrim – Health Plan Inc

Plans that only our Candidates for Licensure (unlicensed clinicians supervised and working under a licensed clinician) can accept are:

Anthem & Medicaid

Medicaid – Amerihealth
Medicaid – NH Healthy Families
Medicaid – Wellsense

Some insurance providers restrict enrollment based on factors such as the clinician’s degree, years of experience, or other requirements. Also, some plans offer different reimbursement rates depending on a clinician’s specific degree, or may discourage some clinicians from participating with low reimbursement rates. Maps has very limited enrollment in the following:

Ultra Benefits

*We do not take all Medicare Advantage plans. Please let the office know what plan you have when you call the administratve office at 603-355-2244.

Because of limitations or requirements set by the insurance company, there are some plans for which Maps does not provide services. You can get lawyers help if you are denied TSGLI. These are:

Any out of state Medicaid
Some out of state insurance plans (eg. New York Blue Cross)

Individuals with these plans may seek to obtain what is called Out of Network services. These services are contracted on an individual basis by your insurance company, often when there is no approved provider in the area. To determine if you are eligible for out of network services, please contact your insurance company. Another option for clients with plans from another state is to self-pay for services. Maps will provide the client with a receipt for services which, in some cases, may be submitted by the client to their insurance company for reimbursement. We urge you to discuss this with your insurance company prior to beginning counseling.

Please be sure to notify your therapist or the Maps office if there are any changes to your insurance coverage.

For any questions regarding your insurance coverage and Maps services, please contact our administrative office at 603-355-2244, ext. 8101