Navigating Life's Challenges

Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy

Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy at Maps Counseling Services

At Maps Counseling Services, we offer Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy, rooted in the empirically supported model developed by Kenneth Pargament. This approach recognizes the integral role that spirituality can play in mental health and well-being, tailoring therapy to include clients’ spiritual beliefs and practices when they desire.

Our therapists are trained to meet clients where they are, ensuring that spirituality is integrated into therapy only at the client’s request. The spiritual perspectives of our therapists are kept separate from the therapeutic process, ensuring that nothing is ever imposed on the client. This client-centered approach respects and utilizes each individual’s unique spiritual beliefs to support their healing and growth. Our therapists help clients draw on their own spiritual resources to cope with stress and life’s challenges, aiding them in both conserving and transforming their sense of the sacred, purpose, and meaning.

Therapists at Maps Counseling Services honor clients’ spiritual beliefs and seek to understand how those beliefs relate to their current issues. We foster a respectful dialogue about spirituality, providing a safe space for clients to explore and incorporate their beliefs into their therapeutic process. Our therapy is inclusive of both traditional and nontraditional spiritual beliefs, ensuring relevance for our diverse client backgrounds.

By integrating these principles into our practice, Maps Counseling Services aims to enhance the overall well-being and resilience of our clients.